Plan Your Visit
We look forward to seeing you at the UCSF Craniofacial Center!
Things to do before your appointment
Ask your child’s primary care provider to fax us records (chart notes) about your child’s overall health and growth. Our fax number is (415) 476-9513.
Obtain any copies of test results related to your child’s condition, including radiology films and scans. Send us copies from your child’s referring doctor or ask the doctor to fax them. This avoids repeating tests.
If you are the parent, but do not have legal custody, we will need to see the legal papers that allow you to make healthcare decisions for your child. If you do not have the legal papers we need to see, call our social worker (415) 476-2271.
Directions, Parking, and Arrival
Our clinic is located at:
Gateway Medical Building,
1825 4th St, 5th Floor (5B Check In)
San Francisco, CA, 94158-2515
Phone: (415)476-2271
Fax: 415-476-9513
Traffic into San Francisco can be heavy, so it is important to factor this into your travel time. Unfortunately, we do not validate parking. Please, arrive 30 minutes before your Craniofacial Center appointment to allow time for check-in. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, your child will miss at least one of the visits and may have to return on another day to complete the appointment.
What to bring
Photo identification, current insurance card.
Phone and fax numbers of your child’s primary care physician and pharmacy.
For the first consultation, a parent or legal guardian who can make healthcare decisions for the child must be present. If you are not the parent/legal guardian who is able to make healthcare decisions for the child, please bring a signed Caretaker Letter.pdf that contains the caretaker’s full legal name, child’s full name and date of birth.
A disc of any x-rays or scans related to the reason for your child’s appointment. Please note that we need the images more than the written report.
A copy of Individual Education Plan (IEP), Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), and any other developmental, speech, language, and educational reports.
The length and nature of your visit may make it difficult for young children to attend. We recommend bringing another adult to supervise.
Items that your child will need during the time spent in our clinic, such as snacks, formula, medications.
Write down any signs or symptoms that your child is experiencing.
Write down questions to ask.
What happens during a clinic visit
During check-in, our administrative staff will register you for your visit and process any necessary paperwork.
A clinical team member will take your child’s vital signs, weight and measurements. Photos will also be taken for your child’s medical record. This helps to show how your child changes with time and after surgeries. Additionally, x-rays may be performed.
Your child will see several specialties during their visit, depending on their age and needs. Learn more about the Some members of team you may meet include those below:
The surgeon will explain your child’s diagnosis and plan the overall care.
The craniofacial nurse practitioner will meet with you to discuss and start learning about your child’s care. The nurse practitioner also coordinates appointments among the craniofacial providers and specialists.
You may meet with a social worker, who helps your family deal with the challenges of your child’s condition. The social worker connects you to support services and helps plan for a hospital stay.
A genetics counselor may meet with you to assess family history and maternal and paternal risk factors to determine which genetic tests might be appropriate. They may recommend testing your child’s blood or spit to look for changes in genes.
At the end of the clinic visit, you will check-out with one of our administrative staff to complete any necessary paperwork and to answer any questions you may have. Please ask if anything is not clear.
After the appointment
For each appointment, the team will meet to discuss our findings and coordinate our recommendations and plan. We will send a letter summarizing the visit to you, your pediatrician, and any other provider you listed. Please contact the clinic or individual providers, preferably using MyChart, at any time between visits.
How to cancel or reschedule an appointment
If you are unable to attend an appointment, please let us know as soon as possible. That way we can offer the appointment to another child.
To cancel or reschedule your appointment, call 415-476-2271.
If you miss or cancel an ongoing treatment visit with less than 48 hour notice, three times, you will need to check in with our social worker in order to approve rescheduling.
Financial Info
Learn more about your bill and UCSF Health’s
We look forward to providing a complete team assessment and the best treatment and support for your child and family.